Quoting Legend: John Butler of John Butler Trio Band - "While we’re all meant to be staying home, working from home, or have plane lost our work altogether the clearfelling and wholesale destruction of Tasmania’s Native forest goes on unabated. Literally there’s clearfelling taking place as I type.. Today, April 8th, marks the day that 356,000 Hectares ( that’s 356,000 football fields) of Native Forest, that was meant to be put under protection, will be released to to the market for logging. The Tasmanian Logging industry since the early 2000’s has reported a loss of over a BILLION dollars!!! Not only is it completely and utterly environmental terrorism and unsustainable it’s also economically unsustainable; receiving millions upon millions of dollars of subsidies that comes from taxpayers wallets!!! For the last 3 decades!!!!! WTF! Compete criminal behavior from the state and federal government in these days of climate change , species extinction and drought stricken water catchments. I was asked by @bobbrownfoundation to take part in one the biggest virtual Rallies on the planet today and had the honour or hearing from the foremost educated on this issue. If you care about this amazing bio diverse and special natural wonderland that is Tasmania please take a pic of yourself with a sign that say something along the lines of mine and tag MP Peter Gutwein on insta and Facebook. Let’s protect these 356,000 hectares and beyond. Peace people and be safe out there!"

Get Involved. A Better World. Barbwire Noose.